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Hand Mask Silcare 150 ml

6,71 €

Silcare So Rose! Nii Kuldne! Hyaluronic Foot Mask on paks kullavärvi hüalurooniga kuivale, lõhenenud ja kalgistunud kättede nahale. Tootes sisalduv 10% uureat soodustab surnud naha koorimist, HydromanilTM kompleks (looduslik aine, mis põhineb Peruu taime nimelise tarapuu seemnetest saadud ekstraktil) koos Abessiinia ja argaaniaõliga annab sileduse, toitumise ja pehmus. Naatriumhüaluronaat seob vett naharakkudes ja kaitseb seetõttu nahka dehüdratsiooni, elastsuse kadumise ja UV-kiirguse kahjulike mõjude eest. 24-karaadise kulla lisamine, millel on taastavad ja vananemisvastased omadused, aitab tootel säilitada terve ja noorusliku naha, isegi kui see on kuiv ja kahjustatud.

Маска предназначена для ухода за сухой, потрескавшейся и огрубевшей кожей рук. Он содержит мочевину в концентрации 10%,  абиссинское и аргановое масла, которые обеспечивают гладкость, питание и мягкость. Гиалуронат натрия связывает воду в клетках кожи, защищая ее от сухости, потери эластичности и вредного воздействия УФ-излучения. Добавление 24-каратного золота с регенерирующими и антивозрастными свойствами означает, что продукт помогает поддерживать здоровый и молодой вид кожи, даже сухой и поврежденной. 

Silcare So Rose! So Gold! Hyaluronic Hand Mask is a thick hyaluronic hand mask with gold for loose, dull, very dry and rough skin on hands. The product contains ingredients, like: HydromanilTM complex (a natural substance based on an extract obtained from the seeds of a Peruvian plant called tara tree), D-panthenol as well as Abyssinian and argan oils, which regenerate the hands and make them properly hydrated. Sodium hyaluronate binds water in the skin cells, and therefore protects the skin against dehydration, loss of elasticity and the harmful effects of UV radiation. The addition of 24-karat gold helps to brighten the hands and add radiance; moreover, it affects the production of collagen, delaying the skin aging process. When used regularly, the mask makes the hands smoother and softer as well as reduces irritation.


  • moisturizes and protects the skin against excessive water loss;
  • helps to maintain the optimum level of hydration;
  • protects the skin on hands from losing elasticity;
  • helps to reduce redness;
  • makes hands velvety smooth;
  • leaves a pleasant scent on the hands.


Directions for use: 1. Apply thin layer of product to clean hands, and massage until absorbed, or 2. Apply thick layer to clean hands and wrap them with plastic wrap or place hands in plastic gloves and wrap with warm towel/blanket.

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Sobib kasutamiseks ripsme- küüne- tatoveeringutehnikutele  


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Kõrgekvaliteetsed nitriilkindad 100tk karbis.

Paksus 0.07mm

Sõrmede paksus 0.09mm

Purunemis tugevus 6-8N

Toodetud Euroopas

Tootekood: Nitriilkindad PPS Black Label
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